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2015-2016 SEASON

17th annual Sing-along Messiah, December 16, 2015, Alix Goolden Performance Hall

photos by Dr. Ralph Hayes

conductor, chorus and orchestra

conductor, chorus and orchestra

lower strings and brass

trombones, trumpets, celli, string basses

French horns and tympani

Breanne Dodds, tympani;
Bill Blair & Sandy Sandford, French horn

bass soloist

Stephen Barradell, bass soloist

conductor Hilary Coupland

conductor Hilary Coupland,
obviously enjoying herself

soprano and contralto

soprano Stephanie Landucci,
contralto Eva Rebecca Bild

two first violins

Sarah Lundy & Fraser Hayes, first violins

trumpets and trombones

the trumpets finally get to sing out

tenor soloist

Martin Sadd, tenor soloist